How Swedish IT Recruitment Company is Helping Ukraine During the War

Developers Shore
2 min readMar 25, 2022
Photo by Alice Kotlyarenko on Unsplash

Outsourcing is a common practice for many industries, but the IT industry is dependent on it. Before the Russian invasion, Ukraine was one of the main outsource centres in the world, with close to 200,000 specialists. The country is the top outsourcing destination in Eastern Europe, and the fourth globally.

Ukrainian software developers were a hot property for many IT companies around for businesses of all scales, from startups to giants like Microsoft and Huawei. The main reason behind such attitude towards Ukrainian developers was the quality of their work, and ability to do tasks with no regards to timezone.

How were Ukrainians hired? There are two ways that foreign companies can outsource candidates. They can either do it themselves through various freelance platforms, or they can hire a recruitment company that will find a candidate suitable for the project. And one such recruitment company was Developers Shore.

Developers Shore is a Swedish IT recruitment agency that began as a startup in 2014. The company’s headquarters is in Stockholm, while the development office is based in Kyiv. The company was successfully matching its clients with dedicated team members, and, at the same time, created a perfect workplace for Ukrainian developers.

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the company had to switch its focus to recruiting developers from other countries, but continued to hire Ukrainian developers in order to support Ukraine. DevShore also made sure that all hired Ukrainian developers were safe.

Even when the war was a mere prospect, all developers were offered financial aid to move to a safer place in case the situation aggravates. Since the beginning of the war, the headquarters of Developers Shore has been in contact with all of its Ukrainian employees, making sure that they are safe, offering various kinds of aid.

Moreover, the company was collecting money for humanitarian and military aid in Ukraine. Out of 150,000 SEK collected, Developers Shore, together with its parent company Developers Bay had already donated over 100,000 SEK.

